About the Author
Tina Stoltzfus Horst, MS, is the founder of Coaching Mission International, a non-profit providing culturally intelligent leadership coaching and coach training to the missions world (www.cmiprograms.org ); and co-founder of FOCOS (Foundational Coaching Skills Training) and FOCOS Platform (FOCOS Platform). A master coach, trainer, and thought leader in the missions coaching movement, Tina has been coaching and training leaders across the globe for two decades. Dancing between Cultures draws on her work in developing culturally intelligent, Christ-centered coach training for cross-cultural workers.
Tina and her husband Gary have two adult children and one large dog. When not traveling, they make their home in Indiana, USA, either surrounded by snow or by a field of wildflowers, depending on the season.
About Dancing Between Cultures
The first time I coached internationally I blew up the organization that hired me. I was working out of an autonomy-style picture of life purpose—“you have an individual destiny!”—with a ministry team of community-oriented Asians. It took them six months to grasp the American concept of destiny I was pushing; but when they did, all but one of them quit the group to start their own competing ministries! Reading Dancing Between Cultures is helping me understand exactly what I did wrong, and how I can change my outcomes next time.
“Dancing Between Cultures is that rare kind of book that mates intellectual mastery of a subject with the nuance that only comes from extensive real-world experience. I’ve read plenty of authors who leave me feeling like I have cotton-mouth because their knowledge is bone-dry, learned from books and theories but never practiced enough to come alive. Others fill their books with inspiring, upbeat stories but leave you wondering where to start in trying to get their results.
“This book, however, is the real deal. It’s packed with meaty insights about the influence of cultural issues on coaching and well-illustrated with stories borne out of years of hands-on experience. I can feel the perspective shift inside me as I read it. And Dancing Between Cultures is organized around a values model that you can actually put on your desk and use to change the way you coach. If you are coaching across cultures—whether in different nations or just different subgroups of your own country—I’d highly recommend this book.”
Tony Stoltzfus, Founder, the Leadership MetaFormation Institute, Author of Coaching Questions and ten other books on coaching